Friday, December 12, 2008


1. That people pay the amount that they should the poorer person pays little because he earns little money and the wealthier man pays more because he makes more money. Also with out the wealtheir person the poor person could not pay all on his own or as the group was in the articale. It explains also how the underclass people think that it is just a tax cut for the rich. It points out that it isnt true.

2. I really dont think that it works that simple because, the immediate effects of a tax cut are, generally, a decrease in the real income of the government and an increase in the real income of those whose tax rate has been lowered. In the longer term, however, the effect on government income may be reversed, depending on the response that tax-payers make. Depending on the original tax rate, tax cuts may provide individuals and corporations with an incentive for investments which stimulate so much economic activity that even at the lower rate more net tax revenue will be collected.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 7 December 2008

3. I believe independent. Only because he points out that its not the poor mans vault nor the rich persons fault. He provides facts to support his reasoning to show that the tax cut system was being fare. But he's also i think a bit democratic because how he portrayed that the poor men were uneducated enough to not know how the system works and beat up the rich man who supposably knew had it did work.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The 2nd Debate

Obama thinks that the Middle Class should have a break on taxes, when McCain wants to stop the wasteful spending, help people out , and restore the economy. All these things need to happen to our economy, but our Middle Class is the one that needs the most help. McCain's plain is to give the big guys a break from taxes when they need it at all. The Middle Class is the ones that keep our country going. They work, buy things, and do other things that help support the country. Obama believes that Bush is the reason why our economy is going down hill since we had a lot of wasteful spending. He also wants to help out on the income and the wages since they are becoming flat. McCain wants to stabilize the markets, which would be good for us, but bad for them. Obama wants to cut the spending and focus on saving our money and getting out of debt. McCain blames Obama for wasteful spending and thinks that we should build nuclear plants all over our country because nuclear power is the way to go. He also thinks that he can work on health, energy, and nuclear war fair at the same time. Obama wants to work on them one at a time, but he wants to do energy first, then health, and then education. McCain's programs may eliminate defence spending, ear marks, and he recommends a spending freeze. Obama believes in the clean coal technology and wants to cut the oil companies money to save money and he would like to have leadership from Washington. McCain describes Obama as Herbert Hoover, he will cause the small business to lose their jobs instead of helping the people that make our country keep going. He also wants to reduce the income tax on the Middle Class. Obama wants to have a tax cut for 90% of Americans and wants to make an investment, but wants the people to look at their backgrounds. Meaning Obama's and McCain's background. McCain has talked to leaders that know how to run our country when Obama hasn't done anything to help him out. McCain wants to get away from the Bush Administration so he can fix nuclear power, green technology, and taxes. He wants to increase 95% of people's income taxes about $5,000 as a refund. Obama wants to lower the premium and thinks that the government to crack down on insurance companies that cheat the people. McCain wants to prevent the spreading of terr ism as well as wanting the troops to come home to a victory. Obama thinks that we shouldn't go to war and we really shouldn't be giving them our money. He thinks that if we change policies with the Iraq people then that will make everything better, and wants to find Ben La don and kill him because they are plotting to kill more Americans.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The reason why are economy is in bad shape is our government is spending all kinds of money on the war when we should have went to war on 911. Instead we go to war like a year later and we lost a lot of men. Also our money that we are puting into the war is going to the hands of a terrist who is fighting aginst us, and its not a little bit of money its a lot of money. The other reason why our economy is crapy is that our big businessess don't know what to do with their billions of dollars so they exspect us, middle class people, to bail them out.

September 14th is when the Lehman brothers were on the edge of collapsing, so they scrambled to find a buyer. The 15th, AIG was downgrading and they needed 85 billion for their bailout. The 17th the Dow dropped 450 points by the end of the day. The 18th all of the banks around the world invested in 180 billion in global financial markets. The 19th Paulson outlined the governement's plan to put up hundreds of billions of dollars to help stem the crisis, saying the financial security of all americans depend on the our ability to restore our financial institution to a sound footing. On sept.20th administration asking for $700and billion to buy troubled mortage assets and get the financial system flowing again. Sept. 21st Pelosi said we will not simply hand over $700 billion to wall street and hope for a better outcome. Sept.22nd massive federal bailout that was greeted with relief on friday sending the dow up 369 points. Sept.24th debate about the Bush administrations proposed $700 billion bailout raged on. Sept.25th Washington mutual collapsed late thursday night marking the biggest bank failure on history. Sept. 29th the house representative voted down the $700 billion financial bailout plan by a 228-205 margin. The dow plunged 777 points its largest one-day point drop ever.
the $700 billion bailout plan was the first bail out plan. it did not work because there were not enough regulations for the big bussinesses and the republicans didnt get enough support and the tax payers would have to pay it back. the billion dollar bailout that eas before congress is now passed to bail out the big businesses

Friday, September 5, 2008


1. A true democracy means "The People Rule", but sometimes it can be mistaken as "To Rule The People." When our creator of America came and was deciding how the country would be ran. They didn't want a democracy country then they would have a mob running the country. They were afraid that the people would take the riches away from the wealthy and have unlimited power. Plus even if they would have chosen to have a democracy country then the technology at that time wouldn't allow it to happen. Plus they were afraid of loosing their money and instead they made our country be a "Representative Republic."

2. "Without constant public political oversight and massive direct political involvement, gradually, over time, the natural human greed of the people's representatives slowly corrupts the law and the political, economic and legislative systems in ways that most greatly benefit the representatives themselves and those who provide their campaign funds and other political favors. This natural devolution of the system slowly but constantly chisels away at the freedom and wealth of the people, diverting ever-growing percentages of public funds and assets away from necessary public service into well-connected, insiders' pockets."

3. "The vast majority of the people who are at the bottom of the power chain (those who bear most of civilization's hardships) seek fundamental changes which might better their lives. The elite minority of the leadership at the top of the power chain (those who benefit most from the system) like things the way they are. The people who want change have no political power to affect the deiced change, because they have no way to unite to voice their collective goals. And, the powerful leaders who could affect change, have no desire to do so. so, those who would, can't. And, those who could, won't. This is the natural order of things which prevents change, keeps civilization stagnated in its past, prevents any forward progress which might benefit the average person."

4. He thinks that democracy is giving the people a faules feeling of security. The theme is repeated into the people's minds as if it was an oil machine. He also thinks that they are elaborate clandestine deceptions.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1." This piratical, wafare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the wafare of the CHRISTIAN king of the Great Britain."
2. " Determned to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold,.." "..and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die..." " ...and murdering the people uppon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimescommitted against the liberties of one people, with crimes he urges them to commit against the lives of another.."
3. He is for slaveryand he hates it that the king is against it and wants thoses who have slaves to be punished. When he died he didn't free all of his slaves which if that tells you what kind of a guy he is. To me he wasn't a nice person when it came to the slaves.
4. "...he has prostitued his negative for suppressingevery legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce:.." He thought that the king was being to nice to them, which in his mind he thought was retarded.
5."...he is now exiting those very people to rise to in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, and murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another..."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Canidates '08

John McCain is 71 years old. He was born on august 29th 1936 on a military installation in the Panama Canal Zone. That is where his mother and father were stationed, they were both a navy officer. Today his mother is still alive, she is 95 years old. His family is Scotch-Irish. McCain's great aunt was a desendant of Robert the Bruce, who was an early Scottish king. John Young, an ancester of McCain, severed as a staff for General George Wahington. That was durring the American Revolution. All of McCain's ancesters fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side. Willaim Alexander McCain owned 52 slaves on his farm.

Barack Obama is 47 years old. He was born on august 4th 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His family are Scottish, Irish, Cherokee Indains, and Lueo people of Kenya. His family is from Kentcky. His great-great-great-great grandpa owned two slaves. One of the slaves was a 15 year old girl, and the other one was a 25 year old man. His grandma owned two slaves as well. She owned older slaves one was 60 and that was the man and the woman was 58.